Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3 days of LAN BAN

Finally experienced the terror that grips a whole lot of kids here at IIT - The LAN BAN !!!
Its not the snakes that crawl out occasionally or the rumored panthers in the neighboring woods that scare the people more - but its the after 12'o'clock No Internet period; which has earned quite a reputation as the Lan Ban...

This semester has been a - I don't know which one is appropriate word; fortunate or unfortunate - but lets say considerate in terms of the Lan Ban. Our wing had the privilege of being in the No-LanBan sector even after the stipulated period for placement and academic related reasons. So, we were the lucky chaps - and quite often the available connection was shared among the other hostel inmates via wireless connectivity. I am honored to have been a part of this social(in all senses of the word :D) service - albeit in a small scale..

It is no surprise that you can get a whole lot of internet addicts if you come to IITs - perhaps the largest numbers!! Sources indicate that many people go overnight to labs and libraries for 'work', with the internet connectivity as just an added 'benefit'...
I solemnly and completely belong to this category of internet addicts - only difference being that due to my laziness I do not go labs or library; and the No Lan Ban was a serving in a silver platter :D

So, the past three days were quite a surprise - and just when I was preparing myself to adjust to the new situation, its gone and back to the days of 24x7 internet...
I had a few plans - just like many others in my position - sleep early, wake up early, be more sincere and hardworking - err may be not.., etc etc.    
Now its back to square one. But now atleast I sleep off at 2 AM instead of 3 AM, which is quite an achievement :-)

So, much to the envy of my friends here at IIT, I had a fortunate run with the internet connectivity; though the utility of the same is questionable....
Oh - regular sleep time is here, or should I rejoice the return of No-LanBan a bit more ;-) ???

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